Monday, October 31, 2011

Thanksgiving Costumes

Thanksgiving costumes make turkey dinner all that much more fun around the table.

I'll be adding a variety of thanksgiving costumes today.A variety for both adults and children sizes.

Our family started wearing costumes at Thanksgiving because all of us are to old to go trickor treating,so we decided to dress up come turkey time.

Believe me,it'll add a whole bunch of smiles,and some good laughs while all dressed reinacting some parts of  the Thanksgiving traditions.

Our uncle Earnie always acts like he just stepped off the boat,while he's strutting around in his costume.His big beard really makes him look the part.

So why not take the extra step,and make this gathering arouind the table this year a little different.I assure you this will be a permenent tradition of dressing up for this once a year occassion.

We'll be adding these get-ups in all sorts of sizes as I just mention.Men & women..and sizes for children too.So no need for little Jimmy to be lft out.You can all play along acting as if you just got off the Mayflower.Those were very tough times back then,but they managed to pull through,and made an attempt to honor their courage by this once a year festivity.

So take a look at the thanksgiving costumes we have here,and I'm sure you'll find something for your family..and of course the inlaws.

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